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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Primary School

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Integrating computational thinking into primary teaching

Integrating computational thinking into primary teaching

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 6 minutes “Computational thinking is really about thinking, and sometimes about computing.” – Aman Yadav, Michigan State University Computational thinking is a vital skill if you want to use a compute...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputational ThinkingComputing EducationConfigInstall InstructionsPi ImagesPrimary SchoolRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigResearchResearch SeminarVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags AI isnt just robots: How to talk to young children about AI

AI isnt just robots: How to talk to young children about AI

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 5 minutes Young children have a unique perspective on the world they live in. They often seem oblivious to whats going on around them, but then they will ask a question that makes you realise they did get s...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyAi LiteracyConfigHello WorldInstall InstructionsPi ImagesPrimary SchoolRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Culturally relevant Computing: Experiences of primary learners

Culturally relevant Computing: Experiences of primary learners

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 4 minutes Todays blog is written by Dr Alex Hadwen-Bennett, who we worked with to find out primary school learners experiences of engaging with culturally relevant Computing lessons. Alex is a Lecturer in C...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputing EducationConfigCulturally Relevant TeachingInstall InstructionsPi ImagesPrimary SchoolRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigResearchVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Support for new computing teachers: A tool to find Scratch programming errors

Support for new computing teachers: A tool to find Scratch programming errors

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 5 minutes We all know that learning to program, and specifically learning how to debug or fix code, can be frustrating and leave beginners overwhelmed and disheartened. In a recent blog article, our PhD stu...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputing EducationConfigDebuggingInstall InstructionsPi ImagesPrimary SchoolRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigResearchResearch SeminarScratchTeaching ProgrammingVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Young childrens ScratchJr coding projects: Assessment and support

Young childrens ScratchJr coding projects: Assessment and support

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 5 minutes Block-based programming applications like Scratch and ScratchJr provide millions of children with an introduction to programming; they are a fun and accessible way for beginners to explore program...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputing EducationConfigEducationInstall InstructionsPi ImagesPrimary SchoolRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigResearchResearch SeminarScratchjrVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Preparing young children for a digital world | Hello World #21

Preparing young children for a digital world | Hello World #21

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 5 minutes How do we teach our youngest learners digital and computing skills? Hello World‘s issue 21 will focus on this question and all things primary school computing education. Were excited to share th...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputing EducationConfigDigital SkillsHello WorldInstall InstructionsPi ImagesPrimary SchoolRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigUncategorizedVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Introducing data science concepts and skills to primary school learners

Introducing data science concepts and skills to primary school learners

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 5 minutes Every day, most of us both consume and create data. For example, we interpret data from weather forecasts to predict our chances of a good weather for a special occasion, and we create data as our...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputing EducationConfigData LiteracyData-scienceInstall InstructionsPi ImagesPrimary SchoolRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigResearchResearch SeminarVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Spotlight on primary computing education in our 2023 seminar series

Spotlight on primary computing education in our 2023 seminar series

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 4 minutes We are excited to announce our next free online seminars, running monthly from January 2023 and focusing on primary school (K–5) teaching and learning of computing. Our seminars, having covered ...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputing EducationConfigEducationInstall InstructionsPi ImagesPrimary SchoolRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigResearchResearch SeminarVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Take part in our research study to develop culturally relevant Computing resources for primary schools

Take part in our research study to develop culturally relevant Computing resources for primary schools

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 4 minutes We are looking for primary schools in England to get involved in our new research study investigating how to adapt Computing resources to make them culturally relevant for pupils. In a project in ...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputing EducationCulturally Relevant TeachingResearch